A World Leader in Fusion Engineering Mission Our engineers transform theoretical ideas into reality. They design, build and create solutions that advance science at the Lab and across industries. Vision Our engineers aim to be global leaders by providing sustainable solutions that power clean energy possibilities. Women In Engineering (WiE) Math & Science Awards Learn More A world of engineering takes place at PPPL, and our engineers’ work has a world-wide impact. Our engineers apply their skills and knowledge to projects at PPPL and at fusion facilities around the world. They are committed to helping design the next generation of fusion facilities to carry out PPPL’s mission to develop fusion energy as a safe, clean and virtually limitless energy source. They also bring these skills to PPPL’s expanded mission to apply our plasma research to microelectronics, quantum materials and devices and sustainability science. Engineer Spotlights Cate Biava Mechanical Design Engineer Keith Corrigan Senior Engineer Dylan Corl Staff Mechanical Engineer Lei Weng Senior Mechanical Design Engineer Our Focus Areas Virtual Engineering The digital engineering group uses existing modeling and engineering tools to optimize the design process and improve PPPL’s workflow, allowing engineers to make design improvements in a virtual environment, working hand in hand with the physics and computational sciences group. Design, Analysis and CAD The Computer-aided Design (CAD) engineering group is focused on applying design, analysis and computer-aided design skills to create detailed plans for the experiments and experimental components vital to PPPL’s research. Experimental Operations The experimental operations unit installs, maintains and operates PPPL’s leading experiments, the National Spherical Torus Experiment-Upgrade (NSTX-U) and the Facility for Laboratory Reconnection Experiments (FLARE). Our People Our staff of 200+ people encompasses a range of engineering careers that include not only electrical and mechanical engineers but also specialists in vacuum and cryogenics, radio frequency, high voltage and systems engineering among many others, as well as highly-skilled technicians. Open Positions Hear from some of our engineers about their experiences working at the Lab Claudia Bernhardt Danny Cai Morgan Styer Andy Carpe Meet the Team Michael Ford Associate Laboratory Director for Engineering Kathryn Morrison Engineering Directorate Operations Officer Douglas Loesser Division Director, DAC Michael Churchill Head of Digital Engineering Dave Micheletti Division Director, Major Science and Engineering Projects Deputy Associate Laboratory Director for Engineering Robert Ellis Chief Engineer Featured News Seasoned lab engineer takes on international challenges November 13, 2024 Yuhu Zhai named PPPL Distinguished Engineering Fellow of 2023 December 8, 2023 Fusion magnets could lead to improved microchip production November 13, 2023 Novel algorithm improves understanding of plasma shock waves in space June 27, 2023 How robots could help verify compliance with nuclear arms agreements June 21, 2023 1 / 5 Start animation ▶ ︎ ︎ Engineering powers our research Explore some of the many ways that our engineers make the science we do possible. Power Systems Plasma Facing Components Magnets Tech Shop & Beyond Neutral Beam Metrology Plant Instrumentation & Control Women In Engineering (WIE) Employee Resource Group The Women in Engineering (WiE) Group aims to inspire and empower women pursuing careers in or related to engineering professions.