SeongMoo Yang Seong-Moo Yang Title Staff Research Physicist Email [email protected] Bio/Description Seong-Moo Yang is a Staff Research Physicist at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL). SeongMoo has expertise in 3D field effects in tokamak plasma, including RMP, error field, NTV, and turbulent transport. SeongMoo is a collaborator of the KSTAR and DIII-D (General Atomics) fusion devices. SeongMoo started to work at PPPL in 2019 as an Associate Research Physicist and joined PPPL as a staff member in 2022. Selected Publications ORCID Related News AI approach elevates plasma performance and stability across fusion devices One way to improve a fusion reaction: Use weaknesses as strengths PPPL hosts its first-ever “Research SLAM,” a competition for the best scientific explainers