Laszlo Horvath Laszlo Horvath Title Staff Research Physicist Email [email protected] Bio/Description Laszlo Horvath is a Staff Research Physicist of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, presently working at the DIII-D tokamak at General Atomics in San Diego, California. He earned his PhD in Plasma Science and Fusion Energy from the University of York in the UK. During his doctoral research he was working at the JET tokamak, studying the isotope dependence of the edge pedestal. He subsequently conducted his postdoctoral research with Culham Centre for Fusion Energy at JET. His research was focusing on experimental and interpretative characterization of the edge particle source in H-mode plasmas. Laszlo joined PPPL in 2022 and he is primarily investigating the role of particle fueling on pedestal structure leveraging the neutral density measurements on DIII-D. Selected Publications ORCID Related News New instrument could help scientists tailor plasma to produce more fusion heat