James Clark

Staff Research Engineer

Dr James Clark is a Staff Research Engineer at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. He obtained his MSci (Hons) in Physics from Nottingham Trent University, UK, in 2018 and completed his Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Liverpool, UK, in 2023 as part of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fusion Energy. During his doctoral studies, he focused on the divertor and pedestal regions of the MAST-U tokamak by developing analysis methods with a particular focus on Thomson scattering in the core and divertor to study detachment access and H-mode pedestal performance. Since joining PPPL in 2024 Dr Clark has been responsible for the Thomson scattering system on NSTX-U. Additionally, he is involved in a collaborative project between PPPL and the University of Seville, Spain. His responsibilities include the design and implementation of a Thomson scattering diagnostic for the SMART (SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak) tokamak.

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