Eun-Hwa Kim

Principal Research Physicist

Dr. Kim works for Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory as a Principal Research Physicist. Her expertise is in the area of numerical theory and simulation. She received a Ph.D. in space plasma physics from Kyung Hee University, Korea, in 2005. After graduation, she worked for the University of Sydney in heliospheric physics and joined the PPPL in 2007. Dr. Kim has been modeling the cold plasma wave equations in the time domain to study problems of wave propagation in inhomogeneous space plasmas, including multiple ion species. She has applied this model to many important problems in magnetospheric and heliospheric plasmas. She was involved in developing a 2D full-wave model that can adopt an arbitrary plasma environment at PPPL, such as planetary magnetospheres and laboratory tokamak. She demonstrated ULF waves at Mercury, EMIC waves at Earth, and high harmonic fast waves, Helicon, and slow waves in tokamaks.