Alexander Nagy

Head, PPPL Engineering Collaboration at DIII-D General Atomics San Diego

Alex has been with the lab since 1977 started working on PLT, created the RFTF, and went on to develop the RF antennas for TFTR. He served as a Chief Operator on TFTR through the tritium operations, and also tasked with tracking tritium through the system. After TFTR he moved out to DIII-D becoming a Chief Operator and taking on other engineering tasks. After 10 years he became the manager of the Fast Wave RF system for 4 years. After the Fast Wave system was shutdown for physics reasons, Alex became the Engineer for Special Projects becoming chief engineer on: the Helicon Antenna System, Neutral Beam 210 Off-Axis Co/Counter project, and the Lower Hybrid Current Drive System. Since these projects are now well on their way Alex has been serving as the Lead Engineer on all RF systems at DIII-D, ECH, Helicon, and LHCD. In his "spare" time Alex has carved a niche in the powder dropping arena, inventing and creating 6 powder droppers distributed around the worlds fusion devices: DIII-D, AUG, WEST, LHD, EAST, and KSTAR with more to follow, W7-X, NSTXU, and ITER hopefully.

Selected Publications