Alessandro Bortolon Title Principal Research Physicist Website Website Email [email protected] Bio/Description Alessandro Bortolon is a principal research physicist of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and head of the PPPL/DIII-D collaboration division. Presently working on the DIII-D tokamak in San Diego, he leads the research on the effects of actively-injected, non-recycling impurities on key aspects of fusion plasmas. He completed his doctoral research at the Swiss Federal Technical Institute focusing on measurement of intrinsic plasma rotation, momentum transport and spontaneous rotation reversals in the TCV tokamak. He subsequently conducted his postdoctoral research at PPPL on the NSTX spherical torus, turning his interest to energetic particle physics, in particular fast-ion transport and fast-ion driven instabilities in presence of externally applied magnetic perturbations. On DIII-D, since 2014, his research on DIII-D focused on the use of controlled injection of low-Z, non-recycling impurities in form of solid granules or powder, as innovative tools to improve energy confinement, mitigate edge localized instabilities or address the issue of divertor power exhaust. There, he also contributed to development of spectroscopic diagnostics for neutrals to study the role of edge particle fueling on the structure of the H-mode pedestal. Selected Publications ORCID Related News AI approach elevates plasma performance and stability across fusion devices New instrument could help scientists tailor plasma to produce more fusion heat Creating an island paradise in a fusion reactor Alessandro Bortolon appointed to Physics of Plasmas Editorial Advisory Board Record six public-private partnership grants to speed the arrival of fusion energy awarded PPPL Four laboratory researchers receive high honors for their contributions to the development of fusion to counter climate change