Date Mar 15, 2025, 9:30 am – 11:00 am Location Maeder Hall Audience General Public Register Speaker Patrick Murray Affiliation Monmouth University Details Event Description ** This event is being held on the Princeton University campus. Parking and transportation information is available here. ** polling really a science? It depends on what you mean by both “polling” and “science.” This presentation will discuss the social science methods that underpin opinion research, its varied applications from business to public policy and how to be a better consumer of what is perhaps its most problematic manifestation – the election poll.Patrick Murray has three decades of experience in public opinion research and has been director of Monmouth University’s Polling Institute since 2005. The Monmouth University Poll is one of the nation’s leading independent survey research centers, rated one of the five best polling organizations in the country by Murray frequently appears as a commentator for national and regional media and serves as an exit poll methodologist for the National Election Pool. Sponsor Science Education Contact Deedee Ortiz [email protected] Upcoming Events Events Archive