Excitement about plasmas and fusion comes alive when members of PPPL go out into the community. Our scientists and engineers visit K-12 classrooms around the region to talk about plasma physics, fusion energy, and related topics, and to conduct hands-on science activities. Classroom Visits PPPL scientists and engineers are available on a limited basis to talk to K–12 students about plasma physics, fusion energy, and related topics. Learn more... Outreach, Community Events & Festivals The Science Education Department at PPPL has a variety of portable scientific demonstrations, laboratories and experiments that explain the beauty and excitement of science, fusion and plasmas. Learn more. Remote Glow Discharge Experiment (RGDX) The Remote Control Glow Discharge (RGDX) is a plasma you can control from the comfort of your browser. You have control of the entire experiment, including the gas pressure inside the tube, the voltage produced by the power supply that makes the plasma and the strength of an electromagnet surrounding the plasma. You can perform experiments from any computer anywhere in the world!Learn more. The Ronald E. Hatcher Science On Saturday Lecture Series Science on Saturday is a series of lectures given by scientists, engineers, and other professionals involved in cutting-edge research. Held on Saturday mornings throughout winter, the lectures are geared toward high school students. The program draws more than 300 students, teachers, parents, and community members. Topics are selected from a variety of disciplines. Learn more...