




Powering possibilities for a clean energy future

As a national U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) laboratory, managed by Princeton University, one of our primary missions is to develop fusion energy as a clean, safe, and affordable way to generate electricity for all humankind. PPPL places the highest value on being a responsible steward of our planet. We strive for a safer, healthier, and more prosperous world. We put our principles into action through our environmental management system, which ensures that we promote sustainability, conserve our natural resources and energy, manage hazardous materials, and prevent pollution. Environmental stewardship and social responsibility are key to our bottom line goal: a sustainable planet.





Millstone River Basin

PPPL’s program to treat its non-potable water with a more sustainable chemical affects water flowing into the Millstone River Basin. (Photo by Jim Now )

EMS ISO-14001 certificate

PPPL's EMS ISO-14001 certificate

Environmental Management System   

One of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory’s highest priorities is ensuring that its environmental performance measures up to its world class status in science. As part of our commitment to environmentally responsible operations, we have established a formal Environmental Management System (EMS) which is registered to the ISO 14001:2015 standard.

An EMS is a systematic methodology for managing and integrating the environmental, safety and health aspects of operations with special emphasis on compliance assurance, resource efficiency, pollution prevention, and continuous improvement. PPPL implements its EMS in conjunction with its Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) and work planning processes to meet the requirements of Presidential Executive Orders and DOE Order 436.1A.