People People are our greatest resource. Each staff member contributes to our mission each day. About half our staff are scientists. The rest provide support to enable us to fulfill our mission in service to the nation and to humanity. Accountants, purchasing agents, budgeters, project managers, all are integral to our operation. Welders, electricians, HVAC technicians, mechanics, custodial professionals are critical for success. Computer technicians, health and safety experts, emergency service officers, human resource professionals – it takes a small army of operations staff, without whom our scientists and engineers would not be able to carry out their cutting-edge research. HIRE Vets Medallion Award PPPL received a 2022 HIRE Vets Medallion Award! I Am the Lab We regularly highlight one of our employees at our U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory who exemplifies the wide variety of backgrounds, talents, and interests of our staff. Rosemary Bethea Nelson Neal Elena Belova Marissa Zara Joseph Winston View All Stories